You are more actively aware of the need to bring added structure or rules into your life, or you might decide to improve your performance and general practices to better follow certain rules. This is a passionate and creative Full Moon eclipse, ripe with possibilities and learning experiences. Changing intimate relationships or attitude toward intimacy. It may seem quite urgent, but its a time when everything seems a bit more intense, so you may do well to stand back and take a second look before jumping in with both feet. While the eclipse can overstimulate confidence, youll get an exceptional sense of your capabilities and what is truly valuable to you in the weeks ahead. #eclipses #scorpioeclipses - YouTube Eclipses tend to bring MAJOR LIFE CHANGES, emotional endings, and brilliant NEW. Eclipses in 8th and 2nd Houses: Crisis in Intimacy and Self-Sufficiency - Big Sky Astrology with April Kent In Eclipses, Houses Eclipses in 8th and 2nd Houses: Crisis in Intimacy and Self-Sufficiency Saturday, June 10, 2000 by April Elliott Kent This is PART 7 of 7. The demands of your personal life are now paramount. New deals are being struck behind the scenes with a strong sense of urgency, but they are not necessarily justified, so watch that you dont climb aboard the wrong bandwagon right now. We can feel extremes of emotion as our fears of loss, betrayal, or the exposure of our vulnerabilities are uncovered. The human response to the Solar Eclipse is both physical and psychological. If this eclipse stimulates your 2nd-8th house axis, it calls you to strike a balance between your own needs for security and comfort and the same needs of other people, likely those of a significant other. New equipment or transportation options may open up different opportunities and experiences. These new realizations are far from discountabletheyre significant. If youve been holding on too tightly to a difficult work situation or job, then this is a time you might want to let go and start anew. Issues of personal courage, confidence, and independence come to the fore over the next year. This Solar Eclipse launches a favorable cycle for turning over a new leaf with your studies, communications, and connections, dear Virgo. Personal influence and powers of persuasion are especially strong. Keep in mind that eclipses can feel draining before they build you up. There can be emerging opportunities to publish or promote your work, share your ideas, and enjoy mind-expanding experiences. Take the time to put the seal on relationships that elevate and support you. Full Moon in 10th House This may be the perfect time to button down career matters that have been under development for a while. If 2 degrees Scorpio is in the fifth, you will learn to let go of a fear of taking risks and develop the courage to strike out on your own individual and creative path without fear. The contrast between earthy, practical, peace-loving Taurus and emotional, transformative, crisis-oriented Scorpio comes full bloom. Getting to a healthy relationship with ourselves regarding our balance of supporting and being supported, for example, can be gratifying at this time. A new look, image, or expression of independence. Breaking out on your own, Its a time of new beginnings and pursuing your hearts desire. Dont push for clarity, and it will come! It can also be a time when you want/ask for more depth from a project, relationship, or endeavor. A major shift in power, influence, or reputation. This can be a time of a significant publishing, announcement, advancement, or new adventure, whether mental or physical. If youd like an email reminder of my daily horoscopes, you can subscribe through Astrology Cafe. You might also take steps to develop a relationship with a sibling, relative, classmate, or even a neighbor. Scorpio also teaches us that dedication to one meaningful relationship or undertaking can be significantly more satisfying than spreading ourselves around. Its a good time to start new home-related projects as a way to utilize the extra energy in a constructive manner. The first eclipse in this sign set occurred in November 2021, and the final eclipse along this sign axis will happen in October 2023. Finding positive ways to improve cooperation between co-workers can also have a lasting impact on one's health. A balance of give and take is essential. Its a time for working on yourself from the inside out, addressing dependencies and issues of support, and improving an intimate relationship. They dont make things like they used to, so preserve what you can. There is a need to let go, forgive, cleanse, and release. However, its also a time for balancing home and career. Transportation issues could be in focus, with new avenues opening up for getting out and about. My best friend has Sun conjunct Saturn (2 degrees orb) in Scorpio in 8th house. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. Recognizing and integrating or working through these things can be rewarding. We might evaluate where we have been complicating our lives by our love-hate attraction to predicament and conflict or by a feeling that we need someone or something toxic to survive or thrive. All of this begins now, although youve been building to this theme for some time. New beginnings are in order! Events and circumstances are such that they serve to clear the path for new beginnings, mainly related to how you fit in with friends and the community. 11 Leo 37 It fairly bursts forth with energy. This Lunar Eclipse gives us a cosmic push to make needed changes in our lives. Something has been building inside of us, and now is the time when the energy of the cosmos fairly demands that we let it out. However, it will be important to avoid jumping to conclusions and asserting ourselves without considering others feelings and reactions. This period favors formulating goals that have to do with future, long-term happiness, or a sense of mission or purpose, aligning yourself with important causes. Ideally, we should find a balance between the two energies, and this is what this Lunar Eclipse invites us (or pushes us) to do. This Solar Eclipse can prompt a refresh or new chapter in your life related to work, health, habits, and routines, dear Gemini. We are learning about the balance of give and take during this series of eclipses in Taurus and Scorpio (from November 2021 to October 2023). Eclipses in Ninth House Depending on your current situation, the following are possible changes during this eclipse set (from November 2021 to October 2023): With a Solar Eclipse bringing powerful energy to your partnership sector, dear Taurus, youre in a strong position for new beginnings regarding your close relationships. Learning to live more independently and/or balance personal needs with a partner. An eclipse in the 8th house makes us aware of our responsibilities to others: both physical and emotional. New opportunities to expand your mind or experience, such as through courses or adventures. Get going on your exercise or nutrition program that you know you have to do in order to feel more balanced. The same ability to burst out of your shell will also aid in getting yourself into new company you might have thought didnt care about you before. Tomorrow's solar eclipse will be in my 8th (Placidus. A new professional or life-path direction. In major aspect to the Moon, a Lunar Eclipse can trigger major changes in your living situation and personal life, including personal relationships. Try Cafe Astrology's in-depth If you continue to attend to your partners comfort levels while ignoring your own, feelings of resentment and neglect can infect your relationships. Seek out personal opportunities, particularly related to healing, mental health, emotional wellness, friendship, and happiness goals. On the other side of the coin, if dependencies have become burdensome or are limiting your growth, now is a great time to work on putting them behind you. An intimate partnership may be left behind, or a source of money might end, for example. A sense of renewal and reinvigoration regarding your career goals is on the horizon. A good program is determined by whether you can keep it going on an off day. It can be a passionate time for you and a time when you feel especially motivatedeven drivento share yourself or your creations. Strong powers of attraction. The focus is on financial perspectives. Annular SOLAR Eclipse 2021 June 10 6:52:29 at 19 Gemini 47, Partial LUNAR Eclipse 2021 November 19 3:57:17 at 27 Taurus To feel fulfilled, we must acknowledge and embrace our need to take care of ourselves and feel grounded and strong as individuals. The emphasis is not so much on what youve done, but rather who you are, and its the right time to let your personality out of the box and shine, shine, shine. For some, marriage or divorce will be an issue. Drama or commotion stirred now paves the way for new approaches and new beginnings. Effects Of Partial Solar Eclipse On Pisces: Take Care Of Your Health. When a Solar Eclipse happens, we are still symbolically in the dark. Once youve put on the finishing touches, youll be able to stand back and take pride in your accomplishments. An alignment of the eclipse with Venus suggests opportunities to improve your work, financial state, and reputation, particularly through smoothing over differences, relationships, compromise, and kindness. For example, eclipses occurred along the Taurus-Scorpio axis from 2003-2004, then 2012-2014, and then from 2021-2023. When it comes to investing, you must stay cautious. If youre trying to get business done, youll be swimming against the tide, so if you have the option, just go with the flow. When a Full Moon occurs, we can suddenly burst forth with proclamations and outpours that seem fresh and new, simply because they are not yet rationalized. With the Solar Eclipse in tight relationship with your ruler, Venus, this is also a strong time for your personal magnetism. Drama or commotion stirred now paves the way for new approaches and new beginnings. This can only occur during a New Moon phase. The crisis that these eclipses tend to elicit is a crisis of lacka time when we suddenly realize a great need or want. The Solar Eclipse in the seventh house strengthens relationships that are solid and satisfying while disbanding relationships that are unbalanced or unrewarding. Impact of Solar Eclipse on Libra You may have an admirer! Partial SOLAR Eclipse 2025 March 29 at 9 Aries 00, Total LUNAR Eclipse 2025 September 7 at 15 Pisces When a Solar Eclipse occurs, its a time for turning over a new leaf in a particular area of your life, defined in large part by where the eclipse falls in the chart. Possible issues for the eclipses transit to natal houses: With a Lunar Eclipse in the first house, it may be time to change your image or redefine your personality in some manner. The challenge is to find a healthy balanceto improve home life while at the same time attending to career needs. Travel or education plans may come to fruition. If existing friendships are in need of a new focus or a renewed bond, then the energy of this eclipse can help in the coming weeks and months. Transits occurring around the time of the eclipse have more staying power than usual since they tie in with the eclipse energy. If youd like an email reminder of my daily horoscopes, you can subscribe through Astrology Cafe. There can be a powerful drive to let go of outdated attitudes or conditions so that the path is clear for new beginnings. These are additional periods of your past, if applicable, that may have had similar themes to this current eclipse set. If youve been too dependent on others, or the opposite, too proud to ask for help, then youll see and feel it acutely at this time, and youll want to make changes. However, this can be an impulsive and misguided time to act. Some people experience identity crises or ruminate on self-doubts as part of the growth process. Notable for this event is a Venus alignment with the eclipse, and relationships, negotiations, and diplomacy can tie in to your success with enhancing your sense of comfort, well-being, and security or improve your finances. The Solar Eclipse may inspire, motivate or pressure you, depending on the nature of your needs during the transit. Emotions and realizations feel big. You are especially aware of your need for feedback from others during this period, deriving pleasure from the ways your creativity impacts the world around you. Take in now, and take action when it feels right! You want to take a leap of faith now. The focus is on personal health, employment environments and job relationships. With this eclipse occurring in your social sector, you become more acutely aware of your position in life within the context of the group, rather than through self-centered focus. There may be chances to broaden your horizons through education, life experience, or adventure. The affects are even more profound when it is a Total eclipse and/or occurs close to a natal planetary placement. You should also consider the Lunar Eclipse that occurs in the sequence with the Solar Eclipse. Over the coming weeks, circumstances seem to conspire to take charge of your health, private affairs, and need to put emotional baggage behind you. Full Moon in 4th House You may find you could use a little more space at home as everyone there, including yourself, is taking up a lot more psychic space than usual right now. Its important to note that eclipses alone are not responsible for dire events in peoples lives. There can be exposure of a private or even clandestine matter in some cases. Expanding your social circle is bound to grow your happiness and satisfaction due to an alignment of Venus with this eclipse. Consider that this eclipse is part of a set occurring from November 2021 to October 2023 that encourages you to understand your needs to attend to your responsibilities to the outside world and your inner world, family, and personal life. The following interpretations come from the Day Watch report. A major shift in power, influence, or reputation, The fifth house, ruled by the Sun, represents the soul and life essence; the areas in a person's life that brings them joy. There can be the need or desire to put your personal life first now, and changes may be afoot. Depending on your current situation, the following are possible changes during this eclipse set (from November 2021 to October 2023): Often enough, eclipses bring about a small crisis or shake-up that prompts a new direction or the need to venture beyond the usual routine. Clearing up the clutter is necessary and beneficial now. As noted above, a Lunar Eclipse is an especially potent lunation, in this case, a potent Full Moon. That can be claustrophobic and you can get on each others nervesor you can use it as the opportunity to connect more by opening that personal space and letting people in. To determine this, we must look at the house the Eclipse falls in, as well as the aspects it makes to your natal chart. An eclipse set along the Taurus-Scorpio axis most recently occurred from 2012 to 2014. Eclipse Horoscopes No person can exist without some form of weakness. At work, you may feel a little overbooked as tasks multiply and time is short to complete them. Pouring new energy into a cause, happiness goal, dream, or objective. Taking the time to understand others motives can enrich our feelings of intimacy, forgiveness, and sense of meaning. This set of eclipses stirs the need to balance our lives between collecting and sharing, the simple and complicated, tangibles and emotional complexities. Patterns you establish now do not need detailed follow-up until later, so you can stick to generalities until youve got it all properly roughed-out. Its time to compromise and negotiate. Total LUNAR Eclipse 2018 January 31 8:26:39 We become aware of where we have been overdoing our dependence on others, whether emotionally, physically, or materially, and where its come at the expense of our self-worth. My 2nd house and 8th house are intercepted (pisces and virgo). A push toward more involvement with others or the community, This Solar Eclipse happens in your resources sector, dear Libra, and you might make important decisions in the coming weeks related to personal finances, business, and practical affairs. Letting go of a situation or attitude that has been holding you back may be part of the process. Depending on your current situation, the following are possible changes during this eclipse set (from November 2021 to October 2023): You might also discover ways to increase your income or earning potential. This Solar Eclipse falls in your sign, dear Scorpio, and it helps pave the way towards significant individual changes in the coming weeks and even months. Scorpio New Moons are generally suitable for working on our self-mastery skills. This eclipse could bring you in contact with lawyers, professors, or publicists. We may want to pinpoint the things in our lives that make us feel out of control, such as addictions and debts, and work on freeing ourselves of these emotional burdens. Connecting with our deeper needs and desires and understanding why theyre part of us is integral to this process. If 2 degrees Scorpio is in the third house, you are receiving a cosmic push to become more active in your immediate environment (neighborhood, with siblings/relatives, etc. Your comfort zones matter, and now is the time to take care of your own needs without eclipsing the needs of others. 14 You can use this surge of emotional energy to make positive changes to your routines. This is the house of secrets after all. Energy levels can be unusually low around an eclipse, but they slowly and surely restore in the days following, ideally with more authentic motivation and clarity. Psychological fears and repressed desires can manifest as can as untrustworthy and deceptive tendencies during the influence of the Solar Eclipse. Youll have the courage to toss out those useless things youve been hoarding, and the burst of freedom will do you good. Its a time to focus on the elements of your personality that you are projecting in your career or to society, with an eye for improvementsignificant shifts in how others see you can occur now. Your personal magnetism increases. Increased desire for belongings and comfort or enjoying the fruits of your labor, A negative reaction blocks growth potentials and gives rise to arrogance and self-gratification. The Full Moon, or Opposition, is the time when you would try to accomplish the things that were started on a New Moon. This Solar Eclipse occurs in your sector of romance, creative self-expression, recreation, children, and hobbies, dear Cancer. Self-worth can be realized through one's ability to assist another person to meet his/her needs. New Moon in 3rd House A flurry of activity for several days can have the phone ringing off the hook as new ideas and propositions that require either your opinion or your decision come your way. 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