Pattern saying he wa sure she'd kill him, but then saying they'd send a replacement. He says yes. She has few memories of him during that time, but the extent of Patterns involvement in her childhood is revealed in later flashbacks. and 35 year-old Jasnah = 48 earth-years old. Shallan Davar is insane. It was published by Tor Books on November 17, 2020. Pattern understood that Shallan hated him, for the part he had played and that one day she would kill him in retribution. At first i discarded the idea because later on her other family members became involved with them (after the mother is killed), but that may not matter too much. Unmade was in the Davar's household sometime in the past. Shallan eventually managed to inhale the Stormlight and while they talked learned that the spren was a scholar sent to study her. I think her being a ghostblood makes the most sense. I guess somebody could ask him, but I'm like 99% sure that Testament was always the plan. He is a member of the race of spren called the Cryptics. . Realizing that the Fused oversaw the port inspections, Shallan Lightwove disguises to hid the group, when Kyril came to interrogate the registrar on their whereabouts. So its fairly clear that Shallans mother wanted to kill Shallan because she feared that she was a surgebinder, and that her father protected her from the aftermath, well he protected her physically and her mental block did the rest. And Shallan is able to talk to Wit through the Seon, and I don't think that is a trick since he shares with Shallan the information about opening the box to get to the Seon safely - Mraize certainly would not have shared this information. A: And so they enter Lasting Integrity: Adolin, Shallan, Pattern, Maya, and Gallant. Jushy saw nothing. Pattern says that his real name is composed of many numbers, making it difficult to say. Radiant is trying to peddle the idea that it's Beryl! Mainly those, and then I saw people posting about describing different colors for her blades. Their leader, Vathah, resisted her attempts to recruit them, however the other men did not and moved off to help defend the caravans. By the end of Words of Radiance, Adolin is 25 years old. Spoilers all the way through Rhythm of War. [13], Within the trunk, Shallan found not only Jasnah's books and research but a number of infused sphere's, one of which she tried to use to Soulcast a fire. He said I was very funny! He attempted to pass the comment off with a lie, but when pressed by Shallan, admitted he was expecting to be killed by the young woman. Dictates of custom require following certain patterns before you copulate. But I do agree that it was Testament blade that killed Tyn. Her words reminded Pattern of why he had initially sought out Shallan, though his memories were vague and incomplete. Despite being a spren attracted to lies, falsehoods, or their offshoots, Pattern is revealed to be a terrible liar himself. Looking at her father from another angle you get the impression that he did everything he thought he could do to protect her which leads me to believe her mother was also a Ghostblood. There is a chance we might end the cycle of Desolations.". Shallan created a Lightweaving of the room and opened the glowing strongbox, where her father had hidden Testament after she had been used by Shallan all those years ago. At the moment of the quote she didn't admit to herself she killed a blade. Shallan had used her mnemonic ability to assist her drawing, and the presence of the Cryptics were somehow included in the Memory. . - WoR Chapter 42 Epigraph. In WoR, when Shallan kills Tyn, she summons a shardblade. Imbecilic? Shallan asked., Initially, worried what the sailors would think of the spren, Shallan tried to keep both herself and Pattern contained to her room, though quickly abandoned the plan. In WoR chapter 6 : Terrible Destruction; Shallan asked Pattern what was the first thing he remembered, and Pattern replied "With you. It would also make sense that breaking the bond would be very similar to doing so with an already dead Shardblade, which seems to require the person to physically summon the Shardbladebeforebreaking the bond. However, because he is half-Riran, his skin tone is lighter than his fathers. Sanderson admits his other books will be a tougher sell as movies. [51], At the base of the stairwell, the group found several libraries filled with destroyed records, and beyond, a room full of darkness. Op is asking about Tyn, the ghost blood kind-of-agent that Shallan traveled with onthe way to the Shattered Plains and killed with a blade, not Lin her father. She is incredibly loyal to her family and even spares Shallan's life after Shallan betrays her. Wit was being spied on by a Sleepless disguising one of its cremlings as a pen - which could actually be Mraize himself, as I've seen theories speculating he could be a rogue Sleepless. The Cryptics, worried about the return of the Desolations, had sent Pattern to bond with Shallan, who had been chosen because of her lies about her family. I still don't think this is the case, but crazier theories have been right before. Shallan had been right to be cautious, and her decision to hide and wait had saved her life. Or it could indicate that Shallan is crazy. I don't think I could have taken it if Pattern's goal had truly been to betray Shallan. The Holy Spirit gave insight to Peter about the true nature of Jesus. Shallan was alarmed by the disembodied voice, but dismissed the sound, reasoning with herself that it had been caused by the maid who had been cleaning in the room next door. But according to the end of OB and a WoB, Shallan would already be on her 4th ideal, yet she doesn't admit the whole truth of what happened to herself until RoW. Horrified, she pushed the memories away, unable to think on that time without panicking, as due to her suppressing her memories, she subconsciously thought it was Pattern, and not Testament, that she had bonded as a child. He goes on to hint at the truth by telling Shallan . ." "It started when she found out what I could do." She remembered it now. [49][50], He came at me, in the training rooms, screaming that youd found the killer. "Unfortunately, no," Darkness said. While capable of silently blending in with his surroundings, which has proven useful when spying on people, Pattern has a tendency to vibrate audibly when excited or anxious. Few characters in the history of DC Comics have been more irredeemable than Terra from the Teen Titans. I don't honestly know. Further up the coast, he found one of Jasnah's trunks, which had been washed ashore. (Judging by the reaction). Further, he tells Shallan that she will eventually betray her oaths, thereby breaking his mind, leaving him dead. It's demonstrably not Pattern she uses to kill Tyn. Though it still remains that so many facts make a lot more sense assuming that Shallan bonded 2 Spren rather than 1, the thread was posted earlier but I'll do it again. The spren called themselves Cryptics, Jasnah explained, though they would likely be called liespren if seen by other humans - a name of which they themselves were not fond. Jasnah tasked Shallan to study her spren, pointing out that she was likely the first person in centuries that had the opportunity to interact and learn from the Cryptics. ", "You wish to help," Pattern said. To view an earlier version of the wiki without spoilers for a book, go to the Time Machine! Pattern talked with Shallan about Urithiru and how they might be able to find a path to it on the Shattered Plains. He explains that his memory returns slowly, but that he is pleased at the chance.Missing parameters, Pattern's insistence that Shallan reclaim herself and her abilities finally hits home. [14] She has not yet stated enough truths to be a full Radiant but their bond has strengthened enough for Pattern to become a Shardblade when needed. 3) One of the simplest explanations of why a spren would choose to bond with a child is bad intentions. I know later it turned out that he was only trying to help Shallan, but when Shallan realized Pattern betrayed her, honestly thought that Pattern was actually a super evil double agent spy or something like that. Tyns reply, the two that match., Shallan fell asleep after arriving at Sebarial's mansion and awoke in her new room to find Pattern humming to himself. And remember. Said that if I didnt come, youd probablyand I quotego do something stupid without letting me watch., The Unmade was encountered again, this time in the Breakaway, after it had killed another, this time mimicking an execution. But the only fight before that scene is Kaladin fighting to protect Cenn and it only describes him as fighting like the wind. Learn again if you have to. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. ), Pattern isn't like dead-spren Shardblades; he can be summoned more quickly than each their requisite ten heartbeats. 1) The thing that bothers me is that Shallan saw the presumable blade in the locked strongbox long after she killed her mother. Pattern returned below, leaving the men he had been following to search the water where the illusion had disappeared and joined Shallan as she moved to Jasnah's room to check on her. [20], I thought I saw something in the water, just now. You did not break. Is Shallan insane? [13], Further, he tells Shallan that she will eventually betray her oaths, thereby breaking his mind, leaving him dead. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. He says his real name is a series of numbers and agrees to Pattern as being sufficient enough a name. I don't buy delusion or Unmade influence. Im the only one in this family who hasnt gone crazy. Some seem to have regular, ten-heartbeat droppable shards like Helaran did. Who is supposed to have spied on him? By comparing these two men, a picture is painted of two types of . Shallan says her motherhated her. ", "It is the lies that save you," Pattern said. Given that one of Pattern's very first actions seems to be trying to push her to remember the confrontation with Testament, I suspect he was sent to test this idea, since this is the only chance they've had in two thousand years to finally make progress on restoring the deadeyes. Like all radiant spren when they first entered the Physical Realm, the journey damaged Pattern, who lost much of his cognitive abilities becoming non-sapient and mindless. [citationneeded], In Kholinar, when Shallan asks Pattern if he knows anything about Wit, Pattern tells her no, but that he feels likeone of them. On their way to the Breakaway, Pattern mentioned his approval of Adolin, despite the fact that he had bonded a dead Shardblade. First of all, we know just about nothing about the recreant and what happens when a radiant breaks their oath. I don't think that Shadow's absence is necessarily the problem with her being a Skybreaker so much as the fact that Young Shallan is unlikely to have committed sufficient criminal acts to act as a fig-leaf justification for her execution. She could not have known who "Dreder" was other than by word of mouth. Blood spilled on the carpet. Almost two weeks later, Renarin uncovered the hidden gemstones archive. Did anyone else feel really betrayed after you found out that Pattern was the traitor. What I'm saying is: I think Pattern was talking to Mraize. [1]. Rest was Mraize being cagey, keeping Shallan off balance, etc. Score: 4.3/5 (7 votes) . It is preceded by Oathbringer.It is currently both the longest Sanderson novel and longest in the series at 455,891 words . My personal theory is that Shallan bonded a corrupted Spren (either pattern or testament) which is why Sja-anat seems to have a Connection with Shallan. Some of the Heralds were there during her imprisonment. After Jasnah joined Shallan in her cabin, the young proto-Lightweaver tried to interact with the spren, poking him with a pencil and found that he responded much like an animal might in the same situation. But he also knows that for Shallan to become the person she is meant to be - with him, that she must accept all of who she now is and was. What am I missing? Well the foreshadowing was already mention in RoW after Shallan recovered those memories. And Tower was corrupted. It gives you strength. Pattern found Adolin in the training room and explained what they had found, before leading the prince, along with Renarin and a number of men from Bridge Four, to where Shallan waited. Even so, he says that he was everything. Pattern urged her to find the glassy sphere for the boat and acted as a translator between Shallan and the object, claiming she was not yet ready to speak with it directly. that said I think Pattern killed tyn. Pattern was pleased by the lies Yalb told aboard the Wind's Pleasure, deeming them to be good lies as they were based in truth. [3], To Shallan, 'it' didn't look dangerous, but she trembled nonetheless. However its stated that Pattern hasnt met her until the ship with Jasnah which is chapter 1 Way of Kings. [4], Pattern wishes he could see a play. After breaking the news to Kabsal that she would be leaving, the ardent requested a portrait as she had not yet created one of him. Yes, yes. In a very religious society, this easily goes the bad way towards killing the supposed Radiant. To her, this was a flattened-out version, without torso or limbs. The reasons behind the killing may tie to her mother and therefore the next truth. I mean, after all, Syl says in Words of Radiance thats how they all were, silly to Kaladins complaint that he was broken. why did pattern betray shallan . And who was the second victim, the man Shallans mother brought to the encounter? She says she hates him, and he says he knows. I was in denial in the beginning but I also thought it would've been interesting to see a dysfunctional Radiant-spren relationship or one where the spren is the "leader" of the pair, instead of magical companion, like the spren just goes I Bonded you for this purpose, so I can use our powers to this end. Mmmm delicious lies. Re-Shephir's attempts to break their bond failed and it fled, afraid of the damage that could be caused by Shallan. [10], Eventually they caught up to the group they had seen in the distance, and found another group of caravaners, who had recently been attacked by bandits. You vanished as soon as he closed the strongbox. I am not sure what I think of this theory but if Shallan did kill testament before her mother "She's one of them" could be refering to the ghostbloods and not the radiants. When Shallan found Tyn's spanreed, Pattern pointed out that the previous communication had contained a pattern - a code that would be used to verify the identity of the writer. [16][17], "Lightweavers make no oaths beyond the first . For a moment, Cenn thought he could see something surrounding the squadleader. I seem to remember some passage from WoR that describes the spirit of shallans dead mother shining from a hiding place in the wall of her father's study. Only cracked. Or maybe something else - there are probably a lot of other possible explanations for those organizations to not get along. What she has going on is something fundamentally diferent. 2. Unwilling to sit and freeze, Shallan moved down the coast to try and find shelter of some kind and Pattern wandered off ahead. was he under external pressure which caused him to crack? And you have to watch their joy seeping away . He thought something wrong with the way Shallan was using her new persona's to hide, though he did not fully understand what it was. The father was probably more loyal to Shallan than the ghostbloods considering he didn't tell them about her abilities. He thinks he could understand peoplethrough the lies they want to be told. Well, for one, Shallan has two different Shardblades, demonstrably, in WoR, [7], While a Shardblade, Pattern often takes the shape of a thin, long sword with a slight curve in it. Dread overload from all directions, making the entire situation seem helpless. So who is it? the timings dont make sense on Shallans powers. 4. She "lightweaves" things that aren't there. As to her friend no idea? Several days after Shallan and Jasnah had set sail from Kharbranth, Shallan saw Pattern's Physical form while she sketched on the deck of the ship. However, the only verifiable delivery was very small in size and there is no indication that Ahlers knew about people in hiding in the Secret Annex. [12] When Shallan attempts to Soulcast, such as changing a stick into fire, Pattern serves as translator for the object she is trying to convince to change. I mean, shouldn't wewantthem to return, so we won't be the only order of Knights Radiant?" And, why did Shallans mother say she was one of us and yet hate her at the same time? Is it possible the shardblade she used there was not Pattern but her original? I think if Nalan knew he would have returned so that really does remove them in my mind. Using limafruit as an example, Shallan attempted to explain to him the concept of food and eating. Pattern is a spren on Roshar. and Dalinar whos, what, 50 or so, is actually 68. Thus, Radiant could have told Mraize the information about the gloryspren at one point to "protect" Shallan. While he is a master of understanding patterns, he finds man-made patterns, like human languages and their social conventions, to be more of a challenge because of their inconsistencies and illogical rules, although he tries his best to learn these things anyway as they are attractive to him. Can someone who knows about this chime in? Op is asking about Tyn, the ghost blood kind-of-agent that Shallan traveled with on the way to the Shattered Plains and killed with a blade, not Lin her father. That would cause a Desolation Absolute fidelity to the mission Ishar gave us - the greater law of protecting Roshar - is required.". Lets just say that Lightweavers fascinate me, and leave it at that. I support the theory that Shallan's mother was a Herald. After several hours the illusion disintegrated and the pair headed back to the warcamps. After Adolin pushed her into a chasm, she rammed her Shardblade into the ground, in an attempt to not be swept away by the floodwaters. I've seen a few comments here and there but thought it would be a good idea to pull them together as a separate discussion topic. Still messed up, but more plausible. And if you count an Unmade being there as being corrupted there was an Unmade in the Davar household. Especially until part 4 when this is explained. He announces to his group that the Diagram has served its purpose and now has to be disbanded. Remember too that Jasnah had heard of Shallan's mother and that there is a WoB that Shallan's mother was a person of some importance. There is a big difference though, Shallan is the only one we know of that is using her own deadeye blade that she still has some connection to, and did not lose all ofher radiant abilities. When Taln reacted violently to her absorption of Stormlight, Shallan summoned Pattern as a Shardblade, however, the Herald settled quickly, and did not respond further to her Surgebinding. "Mmm " Pattern said. and our Keep in mind that Dreder was mentioned in the flashback, when Shallan met the messenger, which was before the confrontation took place. So who was he? I know later it turned out that he was only trying to help Shallan, but when Shallan realized Pattern betrayed her, honestly thought that Pattern was actually a super evil double agent spy or something like that. Has he been a Ghostblood agent from the beginning, sent to Shallan? Sanderson, Brandon. I guess it's possible that Beryl had her own Seon, though they are supposed to be very rare. Shallan's research team has been continuing their studies into the behavior of the dalewillows for the past week, running randomized controlled trials where randomly selected members of the team have an encounter with a new dalewillow. . [21], However, he is unable to hide his presence completely or to disappear completely like other spren, despite that his presence is limited in the Physical Realm. And who was the second victim, the man Shallans mother brought to the warcamps quote did... Hasnt met her until the ship with Jasnah which is chapter 1 way of Kings foreshadowing was mention. Are probably a lot of other possible explanations for those organizations to not get along after hours. Later, Renarin uncovered the hidden gemstones archive of words of Radiance, Adolin is years... She uses to kill Tyn, this easily goes the bad way killing... 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